IFÂ is an Excel function that runs on a logical test, return one value if the condition is True and return another value if the condition is False.
Arguments or Parameters
logical_test: condition given.
value_if_true [optional]:Â the value to return if the logical test is True.
value_if_false [optional]:Â the value to return if the logical test is False.
Objective: Find out whether each applicant passed or failed based on their test score. Applicants scoring above 2.5 will             pass, while those scoring 2.5 or below will fail.
 Step 1:
Type = sign in E2 cell
Type if Function
Column E2 refers to the Test Score.
logical_test : E2>2.5
   Step 2:
value_if_true : “Pass”
Type “,”
   Step 3:
value_if_false: “Fail”
Close bracket with “)”
Press Enter
Result: If Function has resulted Pass in all the cells where Test Score >2.5 and Fail where Test Score <2.5