


SQL JOINS are used to combine records from two or more tables in a database.
To apply a join in both tables, it is necessary to have at least one relative(common) column.
We can combine up to 32 tables in a single query.


                SELECT  table1.column1 , table2.column2 FROM table1.columnname JOIN table2.columnname ; 
Let’s understand the INNER JOIN with an example. For Demo, we will be using the Emp and Project Tables.
         Table Emp
Table Project
To generate a result set through joins, we can utilize both the emp and project tables.
The relative column between the two tables is Ecode.

    INNER JOIN returns records that have matching values in both tables.

  INNER JOIN Example :

   Objective: In this example, we will retrieve all the records from both the Emp and Project tables where the Ecode column                        share common values.
                      SELECT e.Ecode, e.FirstName, e.LastName, p.Project FROM Tbl_Emp as e                                                                                                                                                                            INNER JOIN Tbl_Project as p                                                                                                                                                              on e.Ecode = P.Ecode;
Note: In this example, the SQL query only retrieved rows where the Ecode was present in both tables.
          The SQL query above did not retrieve the rows with ecode 1010 and 1011 because these codes are not present in                    either of the tables.

Join more than two tables:

   Objective: In this example, we will explore how to join more than two tables together.
                       SELECT e.Ecode, e.FirstName , E.LastName , p.Project , d.Division
                                               FROM Tbl_Emp as e INNER JOIN Tbl_Project as p
                                               on e.Ecode = P.Ecode
                                               INNER JOIN Tbl_Division as d
                                               on p.FunctionID = d.FunctionID;
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