
Sorting Data

Sorting data is an integral part of data analysis.
You can sort the text data alphabetically in ascending order(A to Z) or descending order(Z to A).
Or You Can sort the numeric data smallest to largest(0 to 9) or largest to smallest(9 to 0).
Or sort the dates(oldest to newest) or (newest to oldest).
   Sort data on cell values:
   Objective: Sort the below table on Agent Name in ascending order(A to Z).
  • Select the cell range you want to sort.
  • Select the range A1:J20
  • Select the Data tab on the Ribbon, then click the Sort command
  • Sort dialog box will appear on the screen
  • Select the column name you want to sort by.
  • In this example, we will sort the data on the basis of agent name , so we will select Agent in Sort By Field.
  • Sort On should be cell values.
  • Order should be A to Z.
  • Click OK.
  • Range A1:J20 will be sorted on agent name in ascending order.
    Objective: Sort the below table on Sale column in Largest to Smallest.
  • Select the cell range you want to sort.
  • Select the range A1:J20
  • Select the Data tab on the Ribbon, then click the Sort command
  • Sort dialog box will appear on the screen
  • Select the column name you want to sort by.
  • In this example, we will sort the data on the basis of sale column , so we will select sale in Sort By Field.
  • Sort On should be cell values.
  • Order should be Largest to Smallest.
  • Click OK.
Conclusion: Table has been sorted from largest to smallest on Sale Column.

    Sort data on Multiple Columns

   Objective: Sort the below table first on Agent Column and within Agent Column Column Sort the table on Sale Column.     We would like to see sales generated by each Agent from smallest to largest order.
  • Select the cell range you want to sort.
  • Select the range A1:J20
  • Select the Data tab on the Ribbon, then click the Sort command
  • Sort dialog box will appear on the screen
  • Select the column name you want to sort by.
  • In this example, we will sort the data on the basis of agent then sale column.
  • Click on Add Level tab and select Agent in Sort by Field.
  • Then click on Add level tab again then select Sale in Then by Field.
  • Sort On should be cell values.
  • Agent column Order should be A to Z.
  • Sale column Order should be Smallest to Largest.
  • Order should be Largest to Smallest.
  • Click OK.
Conclusion: We can see the Sale generated by each Agent from smallest to Largest order.
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